Commerce, Languages and Social Sciences (CLASS)

The CLASS Faculty encompasses a wide variety of courses, which include the study of: Accounting, Business, Business Services, Economics,  Legal Studies, Psychology, Sociology and Social and Community Work; as well, the Faculty also includes Languages- French, German, Italian, Japanese and Mandarin with the possibility of Indonesian.

With this diverse range of courses on offer, the Faculty is dedicated in their pursuit of excellence by providing opportunities for students to expand their knowledge and develop strong ethics, humanity and compassion in all fields of study.  All subjects provide opportunities for students to embrace a mix of academic and practical learning environments. Excursions and leading speakers from business, health organisations and universities are an integral part of the course for all subjects in the faculty. Within the classroom through the use of a wide range of ICT resources, students are encouraged and extended to aim high and to reach their potential. Through experiences outside the classroom, students put theory into practice, thus broadening their skills and developing themselves as an academic, all-rounded person. In pursuing excellence, students have the opportunity to further their links to the ANU, UC and CIT through our involvement in various competitions and workshops, including the ACT Mock Trial Competition or undertaking vocational study of competency at CIT.

Students are encouraged to embrace opportunities by undertaking and involving themselves in the many extra-curricular activities on offer by the Faculty. Through their involvement in the Rotary Model United Nations [MUNA], the ACT Constitutional Convention and the ACT Parliamentary Debating Competition, students have the opportunity to interact with leaders, learn new skills and deepen their knowledge and understanding of the world around them. Within classes, entering the "Plan Your Own Enterprise" competition, students have the opportunity to immerse themselves into the practicalities of real-life experiences. Psychology and Sociology from the behavioural sciences group and have established a Psychology Skills Camp and observational excursions to Taronga Zoo, the Sydney Holocaust Museum, the Street Retreat Dual Diagnosis investigation of various treatment facilities in Sydney and to local health and correction facilities. Students develop empathy, compassion and global awareness through these interactive excursions and practical assessments. Practical learning experiences include undertaking research experiments into various Psychological issues involving areas such as learning and memory.

Diversity and inclusivity are key principles for the faculty, with students being encouraged to contribute to local and global charities and fundraisers and Canberra youth projects.  We celebrate and value diversity by acknowledging differences and modelling this attitude to our students through all activities undertaken both in the classroom and the wider community. Our faculty caters to the vast range of student needs by offering the option to study courses at either the tertiary, accredited or vocational levels. Through the many excursions the Faculty undertakes both locally and interstate, students have the opportunity to experience the many facets of diversity that they will experience over their education.

We strongly believe in creative education and we provide opportunities to our students to engage in creative learning. Our assessment tasks are designed to provide the students with interesting and fun learning experiences. Business Services and Social and Community Work students complete work placements and structured workplace learning at various industry-related venues. Students in all the courses have many opportunities to participate in outside of school activities such as the ACT Mock Trial Competition for example. Our faculty inspires student's creativity and inquiry with numerous opportunities, as outlined above, to be an individual as well as being an integral part of the wider college community.

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CLASS Faculty Information Flyers:

For further information regarding the CLASS faculty at Canberra College, please contact the Executive Teacher on 6142 3288.