Futures Program

Learning Support - Futures Program

The Futures Program at Canberra College is a highly respected disability education/student engagement program. It comprises of two different support programs for student learning needs. These are centrally funded placements and students can access them through an application and assessment process with Disability Education: https://www.education.act.gov.au/support-for-our-students/students-with-disability

1. Additional Learning Support:  
This program includes classes for students in both Learning Support Centre and Learning Support Unit disability classifications. It leads the way in pursuit of excellence through innovative education and training programs and, teaching and learning opportunities to suit the needs of students enrolled. This is embodied in the program's philosophy of supporting students to become the best they can be, encouraging students to develop a strong platform to support their transition to life after college and celebrating their achievements as young individuals. The program maintains strong links with post-school agencies to support each student's transition to life after college.

The program values the provision of a creative learning experiences and the diversity each person brings to the teaching and learning environment. Through an emphasis on student-centred planning the program ensures that a student's college package is built around the individual student and responds to opportunities that the student may wish to explore. A student's college package may include a combination of additional learning support classes, one or two mainstream classes, workplace training, apprenticeships and learning opportunities that promote their strengths. Students are encouraged and supported to investigate new areas and explore new and different possibilities for learning.

This could include such options as participating in the 'Step Into the Limelight' Arts Performances, developing skills in Computer Aided Design or exploring film making and graphic design in Media. Through engaging in differentiated learning, staff explore a range of content and experiences that respond to students' needs and takes learning into a broad context.

The program maintains connectedness to the community which ensures students embrace the opportunities this can offer. Partnerships include engaging with workplaces such as the Canberra Hospital, Woolworths, TAMS, Lifeline and others across a range of industry areas to ensure students have realistic work training experiences to help build skills for their future. The range of partnerships underpins the strong focus the program has on vocational training and pathways for all students; supporting the transference of classroom learning to real-life situations.

Futures Student Tye Dying fabric in Arts elective

2  Inclusion Support Program:
This is a program of support for mainstream students who have been given a funded placement through Disability Education for particular needs such as:

  • Intellectual Disability
  • Language Disorder
  • Physical Disability
  • Hearing Impairment or Deafness
  • Vision Impairment or Blindness
  • Pervasive Developmental Disorder
  • Mental Health Disorder, and
  • Chronic Medical Conditions.

Students in this program attend mainstream classes and receive regular one to one support from an Inclusion Support Program Advisor (ISPA). This teacher will act as an advocate for the student and give relevant educational support according to the needs of the student. The ISPA provides customised support through negotiation with the student; their teachers and parents; and other stakeholders, as required, to help the student access, engage with, and find success with their learning at college. The program has been highly successful in supporting students to achieve their best at College and students report the benefits they have gained through this additional support.

Futures student in Woodwork elective

Futures Faculty Information Flyer 

Contact: the Executive Teacher

Email:  futurescanberrac@ed.act.edu.au

Phone: 02 6142 3296 / 0453 697 302 / 02 6142 3329